Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The war over PayPerPost

Take a look at this little article written by another PayPerPost-er. He's written about the mild war going on over how to make money blogging - ie, is PayPerPost the wave of the future? I don't really know. Given the limited types of things that you can write about, and how very little effort using Adsense takes, I think a lot of people are pretty content to sit back and not really do anything, and collect little Adsense checks now and then. I think it's really us little bloggers, who don't have enough site traffic to get a lot of Adsense revenue, who benefit the most from PayPerPost - and someone with a lot of blog traffic is probably concentrating more on maintaining the blog and updating it than with looking for good opportunities. I think in general both types of advertising are going to exist side by side although I think payouts from Adsense are going to go down as people learn to ignore them just as they learned to ignore banner ads.


Revanche said...

I check out the Adsense ads even though I'm not really interested, it's a support thing! [I don't think that's so wrong ... is it?]

Kira said...

That's true, on the flip side the Adsense is active for the reader, but PayPerPost is passive for them. I also click on links every few days for blogs I like. ;)

Anonymous said...

I liked the article, and I like PayPerPost (I should really do more.)

The one thing that amuses me about PayPerPost is when the job descriptions offer three bucks but demand a Google PR rating of five or higher. I just laugh, shake my head, and move on.

Kira said...

I am perpetually amused by the tantric sex one. It's only 10 words, but who wants to gross people out? Blah blah Roth IRA, health insurance, investing, TANTRIC SEX! Yeah, that's not going to fit in...