Sunday, July 16, 2006

Does having five pairs of the same pants make me boring or economical?

I wear basically the same pants to work every day. I have five pairs - two black, two gray, and one green. They are swooshy. Hooray swooshy pants! I really hate shopping for clothes so when I find things that fit welll, I buy a lot. Most of the clothes I own are from Old Navy and were bought in batches when they went on sale. udandi & the craft of money does the same trick with jeans. I wonder if this makes me boring, that I don't really care that much what I wear most of the time. I do have nice clothes and I like to dress up once in a while, but generally I just want to be comfortable with the minimum amount of fuss. So I have all solid-colored clothes (I almost never wear anything with writing on it) and a lot of black. I generally don't like buying clothes, and I've only had my attention turned to the fact that normal people buy clothes on a regular basis by my dad, who told me to go buy some new damn clothes cause I was wearing stuff with holes in it.

Having all of my clothes look relatively uniform makes it easy for me to put together outfits, and since my clothes aren't particularly dressy or not-dressy, I can wear them both to work and outside of work without looking odd. I wonder though if I am in fact simply boring, that I don't in fact have any particular style, and that is why all my clothes look relatively uniform. You can pretty much guess any day that I go to work what I will be wearing, if you don't specify any colors. Although one of them will probably be black.

Anybody else tried the wardrobe-economizing idea of having all your clothes look the same?


Anonymous said...

If you're boring then so am I. I have 5 pair in 4 different colors. I'd rather spend my time shopping for cute, and cheap, blouses to mix and match.

Tired of being broke said...

You are not boring you are practical. At least that is what I tell people about my fashion sense.

Andi @ udandi / Lunch It Punch It said...

It's just practical! my friends wonder why it doesn't take me long to get ready - when you have less to choose from, it's easy!

Anonymous said...

I say you are frugal and wise :) Myself, I've been wearing only black jeans (in various states) since going with mostly "Elvis" haircuts in 1994. (My haircuts cost me big, so I gotta save on clothes :)

Revanche said...

Hm, I'm pretty sure everyone's going to agree that it's practical and economical. You waste less time getting dressed, you spend less on trendy items that will get tossed anyway. Do you ever run into the problem of making a bad judgement regarding the comfort or fit of an item you've bought multiples of? I've made the mistake of buying shirts in a jillion colors because they were sooo comfy but find that they aren't really as good as I thought they were ....

mapgirl said...

I do the same. I have variants of the same khaki pants for work so that I don't have to think too hard about what to wear to look presentable.

I do it for staple items like bras, undies, t-shirts, and dress shirts. All the same style, varying colors. Works just fine.

I'm about to do the same with shoes too because I really liked some that I've had and I'm sad I can't get them anymore, however shoes are in a different price range as t-shirts and I can't see myself spending $200-300 for 2 pairs of shoes. (Always leather, always repairable. I don't like disposable shoes.)

Anonymous said...

My best friend's gradmother travelled a lot for work before she retired, and most of her clothes were white, gray, or black, with other colors thrown in using accessories. That way, she knew that she had clothing that matched very easily.

There's nothing wrong with fashion not being your priority. I go comfort and ease over fashion almost every time.

Stephanie said...

You're not boring at all! If I ever find a pair of pants that fit me well (being 5'10" makes that impossible), I'll buy every single one they have!

Anonymous said...

I think this is wise, but just make sure you buy nice quality. chaiken is has great clothes.