Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Hey jobhunters: Be nice to the secretary

As a useful addendum to the popular post in which I mention tattoos, here is another little tidbit that I would like to pass along. At work, I frequently visit with the front desk secretary as I process my outgoing mail through the mail meter. She checks in people who are coming to interview for positions at the company. Here is my inside info: The front desk secretary is part time HR. Once the people have finished interviews for the day, the guy who interviewed them comes out and asks the secretary what she thought of them. Her impressions of whether you were nice to her, on time, said please and thank you, etc, could make or break you. And in a pinch, if someone is out sick, she may actually interview you as well. So always be nice to the secretaries!

1 comment:

Charles the forum reviewer said...

Your "be nice to the secretary" is an excellent tip. It's something I'm sure most folks overlook.